Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bringing the Village to work

I've worked as an Executive Assistant for many years at some big companies and I noticed something that really not only made hungry but made me interested in being part of the Village so to speak.

Different cultures of course may prepare and serve their food in many different ways and that's what makes the world interesting but what I noticed about my Philippine co-workers is instead of individually bringing their own lunches like the rest of us shmucks they all prepare a dish and then share it. They feast while the rest of us bring our leftovers, hit up a McDonalds, go pay for an expensive meal at a local restaurant or go to the nearest sandwich shop. I would usually bring some leftovers or get a sandwich next store, but I would watch these ladies and maybe one man feast on 10-12 dishes that each of them brought. Yum.
Making one dish either in the morning if you have time or prepare an extra dish the night before to bring can save alot of money. You figure you spend anywhere from $6-$15 on lunch depending on whether or not you like to do the restaurant thing with friends and associates so it really adds up.

Think about this though, you can bring your on village to the office and start with a group of co-workers who want to save money and eat better. If someone doesn't cook but is a beast on the Barbie well buy a bag of drumsticks for around $5. Someone makes a delish salad and you get the idea. If you make a group of 5-6 people imagine how well you will eat and you all saved money plus you are working together like a village does. Before its time to clean up their might even be enough for another plate. So load up, then clean up quickly together and back to work. Everybodies full and happy.  Happy feasting!

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