Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Remembering WTC

I wrote this on September 11, 2003 and thought I would share since Sept is almost here:

I was standing on a subway platform waiting for a train thinking about my failing relationship when I noticed a very handsome man looking over at me. I can’t remember very well but I think I asked him for the time. The that my boyfriend had given was broken. We began a conversation and continued it on the train. I learned he owned a business at 2 world Trade Center. He asked where I’d come from and then told me he had come to San Diego once or twice to play football when he was younger. We learned a little bit about each other. We rode 2 different trains together and just kept talking. Before I got off he asked what made me come to New York. I said "a guy." His face said "Of course" all the great ones are taken. My stop was approaching and I knew this might be the last time I would see him, so as I got off the train I asked which building was his office in. He said "Number 2." As I stepped off the train I said, "Well, it was nice talking to you," and the doors shut…….soon the train was gone towards uptown somewhere. I never saw him again. I often looked around trying to find him in the crowds of people heading to and from work at the World Trade Center and after 9-11 I searched through pictures of those fallen and wondered if he made it out.

 Today I remember the cook, who made me breakfast every morning at the deli underneath the World Trade Center,

 I remember the "Off Broadway" store where I bought old classic films and the people who helped me and kept me entertained,

 I remember walking outside the Trade Center and ordering 2 dogs with ketchup, mustard, relish at my favorite hot dog cart and then watching the firemen across the street clean and prepare the fire engines and gear,

 I remember talking to the same acquaintances at the subway in the afternoon and sharing work stories and learning more and more about each of them everyday,

 I remember the afternoon concerts in the summer. The stage was set up downstairs in front of Number 1 WTC. I could here the music from the office on the 22nd floor,

 I remember Borders bookstore where I once took many breaks to read and listen to new cd’s,

 I remember that if I were lost that all I had to do is look for the 2 towers, then I would know where I was,

I remember a wonderful man named Peter Genova who barely got out, but not without leaving a scar on his heart. No one should have to go through such terrorism…….

 For all those faces I saw daily………I send my love

 For all the family of the faces I saw that never made it out……I cry tears for you and hope that peace will come to you and yours somehow…….

 With much love,

 Laurie Pierce

Monday, August 27, 2012

Stargate Universe

So I was watching a show that aired from 2009-2011, Stargate Universe. I had never seen it before,, but found it on Netflix. I got into the show, the characters, and the story. Got all the way to the last episode where one of the main characters was admiring the view from "Destiny" (an ancient spaceship) as they go into FTL drive through the Galaxy. The rest of the crew is a frozen sleep state and set to wake up in 3 years as the ship goes intto another Galaxy where they might find habitable planets to search for food and supplies and avoid the empending doom caused by drones.

How exciting the next episode must be. Yes really exciting until I realized that the show had been dropped by the network for ratings that were not acceptable. Well crap now I have to make up what will happen next. Damn SyFy channel replaced it with Wrestling. That's not exactly SyFy now is it? I needed an escape from reality and the show being canceled definately made me think more about important things which maybe I don't want to do but okay, I'll get back to work but I'm still pissed that I can't see what happened to these accidental passengers lost billions of light years away. Lol Yes I admit I'm a bit nerdy, but that's also awesome. Do you like Sci-fi? Here's the link to Stargate Universe: I fully recommend this show and make sure to watch all of it and tell me what you think. If you feel like pulling the tv off the wall after the last episode you are not alone. Plenty of Sci-fi geeks have done it as well as write to SyFy and MGM. Good night.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"As much as we try to control where we take ourselves, life seems to have other plans."  I almost referred to a "What if" and "I should've done..." but being able to go back and changing the course of events does not mean it would end up different or better. 

I remember having a math teacher who told me he thought I would be famous someday. I smile to think of this however I haven't quite reached that prediction yet nor have I been trying to become famous. I have worked in radio and have done a couple commercials. The comment sticks with me though giving me hope that my thoughts would wander onto pages and into peoples libraries or maybe I will help lead others towards their dreams and goals just by being myself.

There is another me that continued taking chances and is now a strong leader. I see it in my dreams at night speaking to an audience in another language about peace and who knows what.  In this life I have struggles but just keep going and envision a life made easier. Lol Yes that's funny because if life was easy what in the world would I learn from? Do you have a speach that inspires you? Everytime I feel a bit out of sorts I read the following speach given by Nelson Mandela:

 "...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Ok before I run away with my words into another galaxy as I fall into some sort of zombie-like uninspired state producing gibberish I better get some rest.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I was inspired to respond to a post by a friend and reached this profound conclusion about life, here is what I wrote:

I have let both fear of failure and the pressure of success keep me from many notions and dreams. When we fear and let the dream go we tend to stand in one place, not moving forward. Life/God/the Universe will push you forward by making what doesn't work for you crumble. You wonder why life is against you when really you were against your true nature and yourself. So take a chance and take a risk but do your research and educate. Baby steps and you will be lifted to your goal.