Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Remembering WTC

I wrote this on September 11, 2003 and thought I would share since Sept is almost here:

I was standing on a subway platform waiting for a train thinking about my failing relationship when I noticed a very handsome man looking over at me. I can’t remember very well but I think I asked him for the time. The that my boyfriend had given was broken. We began a conversation and continued it on the train. I learned he owned a business at 2 world Trade Center. He asked where I’d come from and then told me he had come to San Diego once or twice to play football when he was younger. We learned a little bit about each other. We rode 2 different trains together and just kept talking. Before I got off he asked what made me come to New York. I said "a guy." His face said "Of course" all the great ones are taken. My stop was approaching and I knew this might be the last time I would see him, so as I got off the train I asked which building was his office in. He said "Number 2." As I stepped off the train I said, "Well, it was nice talking to you," and the doors shut…….soon the train was gone towards uptown somewhere. I never saw him again. I often looked around trying to find him in the crowds of people heading to and from work at the World Trade Center and after 9-11 I searched through pictures of those fallen and wondered if he made it out.

 Today I remember the cook, who made me breakfast every morning at the deli underneath the World Trade Center,

 I remember the "Off Broadway" store where I bought old classic films and the people who helped me and kept me entertained,

 I remember walking outside the Trade Center and ordering 2 dogs with ketchup, mustard, relish at my favorite hot dog cart and then watching the firemen across the street clean and prepare the fire engines and gear,

 I remember talking to the same acquaintances at the subway in the afternoon and sharing work stories and learning more and more about each of them everyday,

 I remember the afternoon concerts in the summer. The stage was set up downstairs in front of Number 1 WTC. I could here the music from the office on the 22nd floor,

 I remember Borders bookstore where I once took many breaks to read and listen to new cd’s,

 I remember that if I were lost that all I had to do is look for the 2 towers, then I would know where I was,

I remember a wonderful man named Peter Genova who barely got out, but not without leaving a scar on his heart. No one should have to go through such terrorism…….

 For all those faces I saw daily………I send my love

 For all the family of the faces I saw that never made it out……I cry tears for you and hope that peace will come to you and yours somehow…….

 With much love,

 Laurie Pierce

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